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Artículo en Expansión

Opinion article by LW Advisers at Spanish economic newspaper “Expansion” on the business opportunities that China market offers

Is China still an opportunity market? What are the key aspects to take into consideration before making a move to China? Which sectors have the best projections in this market?

Lisa Wang, partner at LW Advisers and Vice President of China Club Spain, recently published an opinion piece in the leading Spanish economic newspaper Expansión. The article was meant to help executives who are considering expanding their company or brand into the Chinese market to understand some key success factors. The tourist, hotel and cosmetics sectors are examples of high growth sectors for European and Spanish countries.

The author emphasizes that opportunity does not equal success and that “it is important to note that typically it takes one to three years before companies’ investment reaches breakeven in the Chinese market.”

Read the full article «La gran oportunidad china: ¿cuáles son las claves de éxito para empresas españolas?» published in Expansión.

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